Monday, August 11, 2008

Parlez-Vous Chinese?

I am sitting here at the media center and here and have carved out my convenient spot in front of the scoring monitors. What's also great about my spot is I feel like I'm riding "It's a Small World" at Disneyland all day long: I hear Croatian being spoken just in front of me, German behind, Chinese beside, and some bloody British accents one row over. My parents will tell you this is a good thing because I dragged them on that ride about 12 times in a row when I was five.

Another reason I feel I'm in some weird world is because this village is like a gigantic assembly line. Whenever I do anything I pass by 3-8 volunteers to be either checked, prepared, greeted, or served. This is a 400-sailor regatta, but there are 2,200 volunteers, so when I say I see seven on my way down the elevator to breakfast (about 30 steps total) I am not exaggerating. There are two ladies in the bathroom whose job it is to empty the ridiculously tiny wastepaper baskets, and there is a lady at the hotel whose only purpose is to point out the step (which is right in front of you).

Possibly the most assembly-line-esque part of my day is the buffet. The most interesting one is the takeaway line for lunch. We have silver NASA-style lunchboxes we can fill with our choice of vaccuum-sealed cooked goods. After first reading "Roast Beef Ham" as an option, I decided to forgo the vaccuum-sealed meats... Although I did eat a sandwich called "Chicken Ham." I'm hoping it's all in the translation.

Me at work on the dock.


dan pendleton said...

"Bloody British Accents"... "English will fail with Dignity".. I'm detecting a distinctly anti-british feel to this blog. I should warn you, I have Ray Wulff sat opposite me and I'm not afraid to exact some measure of revenge... :0)

Shelly said...

Sitting here in Boston, watching the Olympic Games on the DVR! Then I read your Blog and I am wide eyed and incredibly impressed that this is all really happening to you. I trip quite frequently at the same spot in my hotel. When that lady guarding the step finishes the Olympics will you send her our way? Thanks ;) Well, okay, I have to compete some how.......Do you know who "Duffy" is (Don't feel bad I didn't either) She performed live at the Roof Top Pool. Pretty sweet actually. You should check her out. Miss you girly!!!