Saturday, August 16, 2008

Around the Village

We have three medal races going on today in the pouring rain and the rumor is the Star and Tornado RC boat was sinking and had to go in. But enough about sailing I write about that all day!

Ticking/Beeping Security Wands update: Security officers have now put their ticking/beeping wands into backpacks-- I guess to be less conspicuous? So now we have ticking/beeping backpacks walking up and down these apparently threatening aisles of the media center.

I did an impromptu photo shoot this morning around the hotel:
First we have our "Warm Remindings" of elevator safety basics. Gotta love the huge heads and stylish tufts of hair.

Everyone makes fun of the "Mind Your Head" placard over the elevator, but I can appreciate that it's well-intentioned. This one I think is a bit of a stretch:

This morning Zach made fun of me for taking the elevator two floors and I said I couldn't find the stairs. He showed me the stairs and up I went, but I ended up on floor 17 instead of 15. I knew I was no good at the stairstepper machine but wondered how I got up that far! Turns out if you look at the elevator numbering, there are quite a few unlucky numbers here in China. Superstition over practicality of course.

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